Gross Motor Milestones
0-3 months
Hands start to open up from a fisted position
When lying on tummy start to lift head slightly off the surface
Move arms and legs off surfaces when excited
Rotate head side to side to track toys or faces
Bring hands to mouth
4-6 Months
Roll stomach to back and back to stomach
Maintain sitting with light support or with hands propped
While playing on back can reach with both hands to grab a toy
Reaches for feet when playing on back
Can bear weight through both legs when supported in standing
Can push up onto elbows and lift head when on tummy
7-9 months
Maintain sitting without support or assistance
Sit up from lying on back or stomach without assistance
Reach for toys while sitting without falling over
Starting to crawl on hands and knees
Pushes up to palms of hands with elbows extended while playing on tummy
Pivots on tummy to get to toys
10-12 Months
Crawl on hands and knees for longer distances
Pull to stand to stable objects
Cruise along stable objects
Start to stand without support for short periods of time
Start to take steps with and without support
13-18 Months
Walk longer distances without support and with only occasional falls
Might still walk with feet flat without getting great heel strike
Walk on uneven surfaces with little to no support
Take steps side to side and backward without support
Go up/down steps while holding onto someone’s hand
Squat to pick up toys from the floor
19-24 Months
Move in and out of a variety of positions to play
Walks with heel hitting the ground first and not up on toes
Walk on uneven surfaces without support and with only occasional falls
Go up/down steps while holding onto a wall or handrail
Start to try to jump up in the air
Start to walk faster without falling and possibly even start running
2-3 Years
Run to play with peers
Jump up in the air and forward without loss of balance (pushing off with both feet at the same time)
Maintain balance while throwing/catching a ball
Maintain single-leg balance for a few seconds
Becoming more independent with climbing playground equipment
4-6 Years
Jump forward longer distances and down from higher steps without loss of balance
Hop on one foot without placing opposite foot down
Throw/Catch/Kick a ball with increasing accuracy