COVID-19 Update

Dear Clients,

Speech & Beyond Pediatric Therapy will re-open Monday, May 11th for evaluations, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy visits. Speech Therapy, Counseling and Nutrition services will resume Monday, May 18th.

Our promise is to keep you and your child safe while continuing to provide quality and necessary therapy services. To accomplish this, we have changed the way we provide care- both at our clinic and through tele-health. If you desire to continue to receive therapy services through tele-health, we simply ask that you resume your pre-COVID19 scheduled therapy time. Pre-COVID19 therapy time slots will not be held after June 1, 2020.

Making our clinic safe for you and preventing exposure

We know you might still have concerns about returning to our physical clinic. You can rest assured that we will implement the following safeguards to minimize the exposure risks related to coronavirus (COVID-19) for our clients, caregivers and staff:

1.  Employees and parents will be asked to wear a mask and/or face shield. At this time, face masks are not recommend for many of the children we serve. Each family may decide for themselves if their child can tolerate wearing a mask.

2. Temperature checks and a short health questionnaire for clients and employees will be conducted. If anyone in your family has been ill, we ask that you call and re-schedule your child’s appointment.

3. Anyone entering the facility must wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before entering the therapy room.

4. Our waiting room will remain closed.

5. Parents will be required to drop their child off and return to their vehicle for the duration of the therapy visit. Children will be returned to their vehicle by the treating therapist or our front office assistant. If necessary, one parent will be allowed back with the child to the therapy room. No siblings will be allowed in the building at this time.

6. Contactless payment arrangements will be made. Credit card on file forms will be available, and/or payments may be made over the phone.

7. Toys utilized during therapy sessions will be kept to a minimum. Toys will be sanitized before reuse.

8. Fabric toys, carpeted swings, play dough, sensory bins and other difficult to clean objects will not be used.

9. Employees will wash their hands before and after each therapy session.

10. Employees will sanitize their therapy room and/or work station between each client.

We are here for you

Now and always, Speech and Beyond Pediatric Therapy is here to support you and your family. As future events unfold, we will keep updating our procedures to make sure we are delivering therapy with the upmost caution.

Our office staff will be reaching out to each family via text and/or phone call next week to confirm your therapy choice (in clinic or tele-health) and your therapy time.

Please call our office (918-409-0157) or email us at with any questions or concerns.

Sarah Koehling, MS CCC-SLP
Owner | speech & Beyond pediatric therapy